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A body of believers who both trust and obey Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Apostle Juliette M. Marshall, Senior Pastor/Teacher


Our Mission

Shekinah International Worship Center Inc. is a body of believers who both trust and obey Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God has appointed and anointed us to do greater works in this city and around the world, without fear or compromise through preaching and teaching of His most Holy Word; to take this ministry and the people of God to another level of excellence; evangelizing and operating in the gifts of the Spirit to the lost, saved, sick and troubled.


As a body of believers, we accept our role as a part of the universal body of Christ, in carrying out His mission, ministering to the complete person - Spirit, Soul and Body. In accordance with Scripture, we have identified our purpose as being an equipping station empowered by God to prepare His people for the works of service and unity of the faith marked by love. (Eph. 4:1-16)   It is our commission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God and man. We will not compromise god’s Word. We will not embrace any  alternative/ungodly principles. We will not willfully engage in any activity that brings harm to the kingdom of God and/or the Name of God. We will do all that is necessary to positively impact the lives of as many persons as possible by the practiced demonstration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


                    Worship:  Preach and teach the Word of God, as well as join in the exaltation and magnification of                                              God, adoring and giving thanks to Him by praising His Holy name.

                    Fellowship:  Provide opportunities for members to share and enrich their Christian walk with Christ,                                                   with the goal of promoting unity in the Body of Christ.

                    Discipleship:  Promote spiritual growth through educational programs, seminars and classes which                                                    enhance knowledge and understanding of God’s Word to all ages.

                    Ministry:  Provide opportunities for the congregation to adequately minister to the needs of our                                                    community by the exercising of spiritual gifts.

                    Evangelism:  Provide ministry opportunities for the congregation to spread the good news of Jesus                                                   Christ, whether visual, verbal, or written with the goals of seeking to save the lost for the                                                 cause of Christ.

                         Stewardship:  Maintain church buildings and facilities to provide services for our congregation.                                                             Develop and utilize financial, spiritual and human resources to support God’s mission.


We hereby commit to the sole purpose of Jesus Christ, as is to all churches, to go and make disciples of men in accordance with the scriptures.  We welcome and invite people from all walks of life, all races, and religious background to come and worship with us and meet this Jesus we serve, who is not confined to a physical building; where all people are created equal in the sight of a Holy, righteous and just God.  Come and be a part of the vision in fulfilling the mission that God has given His church.

Help us Change the Lives of Our Community.

What We Believe

What We Believe

We believe there is one God, eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, is incarnated, making Him the second person of the trinity and the only sacrifice worthy enough to die for the sins of the entire world (John 3:16)

We accept the whole bible, and nothing but the bible, in matters of faith and practice. (2 Tim 3:16-17; Matt. 28:18-20: Luke 6:46; Gal. 1:8-9; John 20:30-31; Rev. 22:18-19).


^that salvation is entirely of God (John 1:12-13)

^that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone (Eph. 2:8-9)

^ that two conditions of salvation are repentance and faith (Luke 13:3; John 3:15-16, Rom. 10:9-10)



  • is the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16)

  • requested and accepted baptism at the hand of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:13-15)

  • was prepared in heaven for this sublime task.   (Luke 1:44)

  • was sent from God (John 1:6-8)

  • is love personified. (I John 4:8; John 1:1; I Jon 3:16)



  • first seek God for yourself (Rom. 1:16)

  • realize your sinful state (Matt. 6:33; Acts 28:27)

  • repent for your own self (Acts17:30)

  • confess for your own self (Rom. 10:9-10)

  • report to God for your own self (Rom. 6:3-5)



We accept as church ordinances and rites only those things ordered by Jesus Christ to symbolize His death, burial and resurrection, namely the Lord’s Supper and the Baptism. (I Cor. 11:22-26; Rom. 6:3-5).




We believe in all the gifts of the Spirit with the understanding, where purpose is not known, abuse becomes inevitable. Therefore, we strive to teach purpose and avoid the abuse of God’s spiritual gifts. (I Cor. 14:7-26)



  • the second coming of Christ (Acts 1:11)

  • the immortality of the human soul. (Gen. 2:7; I Cor. 15:53-55)

  • the resurrection of the body (I Cor. 15:14)

  • The final judgement of a just God, and never-ending punishment of sinners and bliss of saints.                  (Matt 25:34-46)



  •  Bible based preaching and teaching.

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